我们的医疗团队,秉承行大医之道至简,怀大医之心行大医之术 ,诚于德 ,思医之为道,变通存乎人。我们汇聚了精通热爱岐黄之术的资深的安省注册针中医师,灸师, 按摩师,整骨治疗师,综合运用中医传统诊疗和现代医疗技术, 合理运用方药,针灸, 推拿,按摩,整骨等特色技术,为大众提供个体化的优质中西医结合诊疗服务和健康养生指导。
医师介绍 |
Alice Jiang:安省注册中医师,针灸师 精通:普通话,英文 Alice拥有国内23年行医经验,大型综合医疗集团,三甲医院、全国百佳医院疼痛诊疗中心副主任医师。多年担任青岛市疼痛治疗临床研究中心副主任,青岛市医疗事故鉴定专家。医学、医药学硕士学位。安省注册中医师、注册针灸师。深耕于颈肩腰腿痛,神经病理性疼痛,失眠,过敏性疾病,更年期,妇科疾病,亚健康以及手术后,放化疗后身体调理,健康体重管理等领域。Alice凭借多年西医的背景和中医的研究,合理将中西医结合,帮助病人全面分析病情,深受病人们的喜爱,是六和堂资深中医师。 |
(Chris) WanLing Wu :安省注册中医师,针灸师 精通:普通话,粤语,英文 作为安省持牌的中医针灸师和中医师,在医疗领域拥有丰富的行医经验。擅长治疗失眠,各种便秘,皮肤病、腰腿疼痛、妇科问题、男科健康问题、不孕不育、咳喘、手术后及化疗后的康复,以及更年期综合症等。通过多年的临床实践,积累了丰富的医疗经验,能够为患者提供个性化的治疗方案,并采用中医针灸等传统疗法来帮助患者恢复健康。患者可以信任的专业能力和细致关怀,获得有效的医疗服务。 |
Yu (Melody) TianR. TCMP, R. AC 精通:Mandarin and English. Melody is a Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Registered Acupuncturist of Ontario. Melody completed her TCM training at the Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (OCTCM), and with outstanding grades and extraordinary expertise, after graduation she was invited to teach various TCM courses such as TCM diagnosis, Gynecology, Pediatrics in OCTCM and Canadian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (CCTCM). Melody performs excellent TCM diagnosis, especially tongue diagnosis. Her treatment involves taking a holistic approach to relieve the symptoms while treating the root cause. This is done by carefully selecting points and precisely using herbs. When necessary, she also adds other modalities such as cupping, scraping etc. to further enhance the therapeutic effects. Melody’s sensitive nature allows her to be accommodating of others’ needs and feelings to better help patients achieve balance in their lives. She is experienced in treating a wide range of conditions, including stress/anxiety, headaches/migraines, insomnia, digestive issues, various types of joint and muscle pain, menstruation issues and more.
Cobby LiangRMT 精通:普通话,广东话,英语 十九年的中医按摩临床经验,专治各类肌肉痛症,运动前后肌肉放松…Cobby为人善良,热心,周到深受顾客们的喜爱。 |
Sunny Chen拥有二十年国内行医经验,三级医院妇产科副主任医师,专家门诊多年,对月经不调,痛经,更年期综合征,多囊卵巢综合征(pcos)不孕症都有一定的研究。安省注册中医师,针灸师。擅长各种疼痛, 腰背部,肩颈,膝关节疼痛,对各种过敏性疾病及皮肤病有一定的经验,对失眠,头疼及各种亚健康也有一定的经验。喜欢各种妇科疾病,如更年期综合征,月经不调,痛经等。同时也自学营养素的知识多年。可以根据患者情况,结合中西医,给患者最好的建议及治疗。 |
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Domisani : Bonsu is a Registered Acupuncturist, Tuina Manual Therapist, and Licensed Holistic Practitioner. His scope of practice also includes Total Body Reflexology, Injury Recovery Therapy, Guasha Therapy, Acupressure, and Cupping. With over 27 years of professional experience and research, he has developed signature treatments for Vertigo, Migraines, Insomnia, Stroke Recovery, Concussions, Asthma, Sport Injuries, Neuropathy and Vagus Nerve Pathologies. Domisani's mission is to help as many people as he can live healthier lives. |